Lenovo Invalid Machine Type

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Hello All,
  • 2200: Machine Type and Serial Number are invalid. 2201: Machine UUID is invalid After 8 hours of searching on Internet, trying different methods, I've finally successfully changed/added Model typle and S/N to my friend's X230.
  • How to update the machine type and model (MTM), serial number, or system brand ID of system BIOS menu – ThinkCentre, ThinkStation.

Lenovo Invalid Machine Type List

Fallout new vegas cracked torrent. Machine Type And Serial Number Are Invalid Lenovo 46 - DOWNLOAD cfe036a44b ERROR 00CE Machine Type and Serial Number.ERROR 00CE Machine Type and Serial Number are INVAALID Update the BIOS to correct this problem IBM THINKCENTER BIOS.Thinkpad P70-Machine type and Serial Number are InvalidI have Lenovo ThinkPad P70, and I replaced the System Board with a new one, but. Lexus manuals online. Cfe036a44b ERROR 00CE Machine Type and Serial Number.ERROR 00CE Machine Type and Serial Number are INVAALID Update the BIOS to correct this problem IBM THINKCENTER BIOS.Thinkpad P70-Machine type and Serial Number are InvalidI have Lenovo ThinkPad P70, and I replaced the System Board with a new one, but the is that i got this message ( 2200: Machine type and Serial Number are Invalid.

I seem to be having the same problem as some of the other people on this board and i can't seem to resolve the issue.
I have an A31p and everytime i run the software installer it gives me an invalid machine type error.
I read some previous posts and you had asked to check the system information and it seems mine has the machine type missing.(see below)
I just did the latest bios update but that didn't fix the problem either.
System details
BIOS version: 1.12 (1GET40WW)
BIOS date : 2005-04-05
Embedded controller version: 1.04 Machine
Machine type-Model:
System unit serial number:

Lenovo Machine Type Invalid

System board serial number: J1XXXXXXXXX
When i go onto the IBM web site and do an auto detect the site returns an error saying it cannot detect the machine..
How do i update the bios to resolve this?

Lenovo Invalid Machine Type 6

Is there a hardware maintenance disk for the A31p?

Lenovo Machine Type Lookup

Please help..

Lenovo Invalid Machine Type 10

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How to change Model Type and Serial Number of Thinkpad

If you change a system board on a Thinkpad laptop, chances are you might encounter 2200, 2201 errors.
2200: Machine Type and Serial Number are invalid.

After ~8 hours of searching on Internet, trying different methods, I've finally successfully changed/added Model typle and S/N to my friend's X230.
The laptop had its system board or mother board replaced. The replacement came from ebay with model type & S/N blank.
It was a painfully long process to figure things out. And my windows 10 added a huge hassle to the would-be-easy process. The Internet doesn't have a very straightforward instruction on it. And they are all pretty old.
Basically you need to use a service utility calledThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette (HMD) to make a bootable USB flash drive. It used to be on floppy disk but it can make bootable USB stick too now.


  • Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 should work). Haven't tried windows 8.
  • DO NOT use windows 10, won't work
  • USB flash drive
  • ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette, the newer the better.
  • Write down the Model Type & S/N from your label on the machine.


  1. Download ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette (HMD). I have 1.83 attached here. You can certainly find other versions on the Internet somewhere.
  2. DO NOT use windows 10!! I've only tried windows 10 & 7, both 64 bit. Windows 7 worked with all my flash drives. But the application will not find your USB stick on windows 10.
  3. Unzip the TP HMD. Use 'usbfmtpw.exe' to make a bootable HMD USB. If it says 'Error: Drive not found to format', then it's very likely it can't run on your OS (Windows 10 for instance). Otherwise, you will see a format window. Make sure it's your flash drive. Don't worry about the size. You can always format it in windows, and the flash drive will turn back to normal.
  4. Boot your Thinkpad with the USB stick you just made. You might need to hit 'F12' to open the boot options to choose it. You will see a blue screen with some descriptions of the tool.
  5. Choose option 1, '1. set S/N. ' or something like that. I can't remember now, but it's pretty straightforward once you are at this step.
  6. Follow the instructions. It's pretty easy. You will need to input the Model Type and SN together, with '1S' at the beginning. Say, model type 1234CTO, SN 56789AB, you will need to input '1S1234CTO56789AB'. It may vary depending on your machine.
  7. Then simply reboot.