Open Source Proxy Windows

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Active6 years, 9 months ago
  • Nov 13, 2014  CCProxy is one of the best free proxy server software for Windows 10/8/7 that lets you efficiently share your internet connection over Local Area Network.
  • The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server project aims to create an open source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server which implements auto-whitelists, self learning Hidden-Markov-Model and/or Bayesian, Greylisting, DNSBL, DNSWL, URIBL, SPF, SRS, Backscatter, Virus scanning, attachment blocking, Senderbase and multiple other filter methods. Click 'Files' to download the professional version 2.6.
  • 89 best open source proxy server projects. Linkerd is a transparent service mesh, designed to make modern applications safe and sane by transparently adding service discovery, load balancing, failure handling, instrumentation, and routing to all inter-service communication.linkerd (pronouned 'linker-DEE') acts as a transparent HTTP/gRPC/thrift/etc proxy, and can usually be dropped.
  • Squid: Optimising Web Delivery. Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It reduces bandwidth and improves response times.

Looking for good open source proxy server software. Preferably for a Windows server based machine.

Data breach statistics show millions of data get stolen or lost every day. How secure is your network? Do you use any firewall to protect your network infrastructure? Earlier, I wrote about cloud managed firewall and received feedback to write about a FREE or open-source firewall. So here you go. The following free firewall is different than a web application firewall.

Need it primarily for testing my applications connectivity in a proxy scenario. So something that is dead easy to setup and configure. The proxy will run locally on my LAN, and I want it to emulate as close as possible the type of proxy you might find in corporate networks, because I'm testing an SOA system.


Will not be used for its real intended purposes, so scalability is not a huge concern.

Thank you


Open Source Sip Proxy Server Windows

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closed as off topic by sysadmin1138Dec 16 '12 at 15:38

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4 Answers

Open Source Proxy Server Windows 10

Looking for good open source proxy server software

This is very vague. It might mean a masquerading router, a generic port forwarder, a transparent application proxy (if so what kind?) or a SOCKS proxy, or a smrt-relay MTA...

Assuming that you mean a web proxy, then squid is the hottest game in town - particularly as it allows you to do all sorts of things with the request before passing it on. There's even a MSWindows port for the unenlightened.



Open Source Web Proxy Server For Windows

18.8k1 gold badge24 silver badges40 bronze badges

You could try a demo version of ISA; free for 120 days. Free aarti download.

keith stokes

Squid is a good web proxy to learn. It is also what we use at a client business.

You could download a program like virtual box and setup a virtual machine to run your proxy on. This would allow you to have a whole separate system to tinker with, take snapshots of and not break your windows server while you are playing with it. This would also let you try it out on an OS besides windows (although there is a windows port of squid as well)

Free open source proxy server

Just a thought.

Chris DisbroChris Disbro

As others have said, Squid is the way to go but if you have a spare machine, low spec being just fine, there's a very easy way to get Squid and have a decent firewall at the same time. There are several specialised Linux distributions, my personal favourite being Smoothwall, that allow you to turn an old machine into what is effectively a turn-key firewall appliance, complete with Squid proxy and other goodies. Smoothwall in particular is aimed at the Windows user who has little or no Linux experience.

John GardeniersJohn Gardeniers

Open Source Reverse Proxy

25.2k9 gold badges49 silver badges106 bronze badges

Open Source Sip Proxy Windows

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